We have a comprehensive Reference Library containing:
- Test and Check sheets
- Manufacturers equipment information
- Acts and Regulations
- AS/NZS and other Standards
- Electrical equipment Certificates of Conformity
Copies are available upon request
Copies of information held in our Library are available to anyone with a current EWRB electrical workers practising license. You will need to provide your registration details before we will progress your request.
We do not offer regulatory advice through the Library. You’re welcome to our resources however interpretation, support and appropriate application to meet regulatory compliance is part of our normal business activities. All enquiries are welcome.
If there is a charge levied by the originator we will let you know. In those circumstances, they should be purchased through them and we can provide you with a link to help facilitate this.
Please do not ask for current versions of Standards, we do not hold copyright for them.
Test results and Checksheets
We have created a suite of electrical test and check sheets. We can provide templates for you to personalise, or you can just use them just as they are. Our versions are not aligned to any commercial entities i.e. there's no adverts or logos on them.
Email us for more information about our current range.
Manufacturers equipment information
Manuals, datasheets and installation guidelines often accompany products and although they are increasingly available on their manufacturers websites as a download, information for older devices are no longer available or were never published.
We have an increasing number of older installaton and maintenance manuals, guides, and datasheets available and are happy to share them with you. In many cases our copies come from the box the gear came in and they were passed on to us for safe keeping.
We can also provide you with links but just so you know, some sites may require you to register or subscribe to them. On the upside, you will be able to download their product brochures, guides, manuals etc and in some cases - programming software. We don't replicate that, but can provide you with links where needed.
In most cases, our Libarary materials are based on equipment we've actually inspected at installation and are all available in pdf.
Let us know know if you have a rare or exotic product and we'll see how we can help. We'll enjoy the challenge.
Acts and Regulations
Most of the NZ based Regulations are freely available on the NZ Government site
https://www.legislation.govt.nz/. If you have any special requests or need assistance with sourcing them, please let us know.
AS/NZS and other Standards
Current AS/NZ Standards are available online and are not able to be shared. There are a lmited number of common and active Standards, often referred to as Companion Standards that available to registered electrical workers through their EWRB logon credentials. All other Standards are available for a fee at
For other Standards such as AS, BS, IEC etc, please check out their respective websites.
EEHA Electrical equipment Certificates of Conformity
We have thousands of equipment certificates of conformity including some that are rare, and some which although being expired which may still apply (how is that possible I hear you saying - Ask us). We also have many that are in the language of their originators including german, french, italian, and russian. We have translated quite a few but only as we've needed them because it can be quite a process to have them validated once the translation has been done. Be sure to ask us anyway.
Please note: When you, your client, your installer, or your equipment specifier are buying a piece of electrical equipment intended for use in a hazardous area, ALWAYS request an equipment certificate of conformity before or atthe time of purchase.
Suppliers/importers in New Zealand are required to provide equipment Certificates of Conformity free-of-charge with every purchase but often, will only do so when asked. I encourage you to bring this to your client's attention.