Caravans, Motorhomes and Relocatable Buildings
How long is a Warrant of Electrical Fitness valid for?
Four years from the date on the Warrant and Sticker.
Why did the inspector give me a window sticker AND a sheet called a "Warrant of Electrical Fitness?
The sticker is visual proof that a Warrant has been issued and should be on display at all times. Caravan Park owners are required to ensure your caravan/vehicle has a current Warrant and the sticker provides a quick reference.
The white sheet given to you by the Inspector is the actual Warrant and should be kept as a record that your caravan/vehicle has passed recent electrical testing. Typically, a good place to keep the Warrant is in the cupboard that contains the switchboard. It should also be made available to prospective buyers or if a replacement sticker is needed.
How can I get a replacement Sticker?
Show the inspector a copy of your original Warrant and he'll be able to issue a new Sticker. There will be a small fee.
Things you should consider before contacting us for a warrant for your caravan.
Do you suspect that something may be wrong with it? If so, you might want to get your electrician to check it first.
Is it RCD protected? If so, where is the RCD located and when was it last tested. Note - using the on-board reset/test/off button by you is acceptable. Electricians and Inspectors use specialist testers.
Where is the lead? Is it permanently attached to the vehicle or is there a plug/socket extension cord? What condition is it in? Please make it available at inspection time.
Where is the switchboard located? Do you know where the earth connection to the chassis is (clue: look for the 'green' wire attached to the chassis often directly below the switchboard and seen from under the caravan/vehicle).
If this is going to be its first Warrant since manufacture, ensure you have a copy of the Electrical Certificate of Compliance issued by the electrician who did the initial electrical and certification work.
How long is a Warrant of Electrical Fitness valid for?
Four years from the date on the Warrant and sticker.
Things you should consider before contacting us for a warrant for your caravan.
Do you suspect that something may be wrong with it? If so, you might want to get your electrician to check it first.
1. Is it RCD protected? If so, where is the RCD located and when was it last tested. Note - using the on-board reset/test/off button by you is acceptable. Electricians and Inspectors use specialist testers.
2. Where is the lead? Is it permanently attached to the vehicle or is there a plug/socket extension cord? What condition is it in? Please make it available at inspection time.
3. Where is the switchboard located? Do you know where the earth connection to the chassis is (clue: look for the 'green' wire attached to the chassis often directly below the switchboard and seen from under the caravan/vehicle).
If this is going to be its first Warrant since manufacture, ensure you have a copy of the Electrical Certificate of Compliance issued by the electrician who did the initial electrical and certification work.