About Us
The Electrical Inspector Ltd operates from New Plymouth, NZ and we provide electrical regulatory compliance support and advice throughout New Zealand, Australia, Asia and the Pacific Islands.
Our assessments reference The Electricity (Safety) Regulations alongside joint AS and NZ Standards, including AS/NZS 3000 and the AS/NZS 60079-series; and The Health and Safety at Work Hazardous Substances Regulations.
We provide regulatory compliance support for spray-painting booths, paint mixing rooms, dangerous goods stores, petrol stations, airfield fuel storage and dispensing equipment, binary-cycle power generation plants, chemical production plants involving gin-production, industrial glues, paint manufacturing, grain and flour storage, handling and distribution equipment, palm kernel storage facilities, electric vehicles (on road and marine).
We also provide pre and post construction consultancy support with project management, electrical drawings, and various document preparation. We are able to provide support with Producer Statements and we specialise in the creation and maintenance of Hazardous Area Dossiers.

From the beginning
The Electrical Inspector Ltd was created in 2008 in response to a request from a local gas treatment plant looking for a hazardous areas electrical inspection service provider able to perform Periodic Assessments on their equipment.
After a trial period we were asked to include the inspection of newly installed equipment and to carry out pre-delivery inspections on equipment about to be brought in from overseas.
Since then, we have applied our version of "Industry-Best work practises" to the inspection and certification of all types and sizes of hazardous area installations from petrol stations and gas production plants to various chemical, paint manufacturing and power production plants.
Sam Ponga, Managing Director | Nov 2024

What we're doing now.
We've just completed the inspection and certification of a brand new Logistic Hub based in Gracefield, Wellington. And completed the Periodic Assessment of major manufacturing plants. in Upper Hutt and New Plymouth.
We apply "Industry-Best" work practises to the inspection and certification of electrical equipment in Gas hazardous areas, Combustible Dust hazardous areas, Binary Cycle Power Generation Plants, Chemical Production Plants, Co-Generation Plants, Logistic Hubs, Industrial-sized Bread-making plants and other types of manufacturing plants.
We also inspect and certify Dangerous Goods Stores, Spray-painting booths, Paint mixing rooms, petrol stations and specialist areas such as above-ground workshop/on-farm petrol tanks fitted with electric pumps, Battery charging rooms and Fume extraction systems. We are also experienced with the inspection and re-certification of Solar power (Photovoltaic) power generation systems, Electric Vehicle charging installations and mains parallel generation systems.